Honor The Fallen
Memorial Day is a day that we pause to remember and reflect. As one of the most important annual events for The Highground, the Honor Ride and Memorial Day Ceremony brings together hundreds of people to honor those who have died while serving in the United States Military. A recorded reading of the names of the Wisconsin service men and women who have been lost will be heard throughout the Park that day.
Route InformationContact: Kennith Lanier Email: [email protected]Register at 7:15amMinocqua Kwik Trip #159 (8690 US 51)Depart 7:30amSTOPShell Station in Rhinelander (1999 River St) to join the Wausau Route
In signing this release, I (we) understand the intent thereof, and I (we) hereby agree and will absolve and hold harmless the Highground (Wisconsin Vietnam Veterans Memorial Project, Inc.), corporate sponsors, cooperating organizations, and any other parties connected with this event in any way singularly or collectively, from and against any blame and liability, misadventure, harm, loss, inconvenience or damage hereby suffered or sustained as a result of participating in The Highground Honor Ride, or any other activity associated herewith, I (we) also hereby consent to and permit emergency treatment in the event of injury or illness. I (we) also give full permission for use of my (our) name and photograph in connection with this event.
If you would like to buy extra patches or rockers, you can do so here. Remember your registration includes a rocker or patch for each rider. Shirts can also be purchased here. Note: You will not have the option to return to this page and order these items after you submit your registration and payment. You may purchase items on-site the day of, but please remember we will only have a limited supply at that time.
Patch (Extra)
Rocker (Extra)