Honor The Fallen
Memorial Day is a day that we pause to remember and reflect. As one of the most important annual events for The Highground, the Honor Ride and Memorial Day Ceremony brings together hundreds of people to honor those who have died while serving in the United States Military. A recorded reading of the names of the Wisconsin service men and women who have been lost will be heard throughout the Park that day.
Route Information
Contact: Bill Flemal
Ph: 715-281-4068; Email: [email protected]
Register at 6:45am
Appleton Harley Davidson Depart 7:30am
King/Waupaca: Register at 8:15am Kwik Trip on 54 (by truckstop) Depart at 8:45am.
Stevens Point: Register at 9:45am Target parking lot. Depart 10am.
Wisconsin Rapids: Register at 10:45am Kwik Trip on W Grand Ave. Depart 11:15am
Marshfield: Register at 11:45am Kwik Trip on S Draxler Dr. Depart 12pm